Sunday, June 10, 2007

Focus groups

Hello Fishies!

Here is something interesting. It seems that those high and mighty Hollywood people all know better than you regarding what you see. They have these little focus groups that they show things to and get their reactions. Apparently, the people were not impressed if they could see land in the background, they just wanted big waves. Don't you wonder who these people are?

What this has done is to deprive you of time spent in other fisheries that these boats, captains and crews participate in. They had the opportunity to go tendering for herring and salmon – which would have been great for you to see. Those fisheries can be one heck of a rodeo! Sounds like they passed on the idea of going with some of the guys during dungeness season as well which is too bad as that can be a wild and woolly fishery! Any fishery that deals with fish that are bled and/or butchered on deck, such as halibut and tuna, are deemed far too bloody for you to see. While the last thing we would want is to give PETA something to whine about, surely there is a way for you to see those giant fish being caught.

Stay tuned!


1 comment:

wishiniwasfishin said...

Don't tell me let me guess. These are the same focus groups our goverment uses. HA HA. Have a good day and a better evening.
Still wishiniwasfishin.