Monday, May 21, 2007

Sea Lion Bites Fisherman in the Butt

Greeting Fishies!

I thought you might find the following of interest:

PETERSBURG -- KFSK radio reports that crewman Troy Curtis was sitting on the rail of the vessel Cora J while offloading a catch of halibut the other day. That’s when a sea lion lunged out of the water and bit him on the rear end.

“The sea lion came up and grabbed ahold of me and tried to pull me over,” Curtis said. “Thank God I was holding onto the rail. Thank God it wasn’t one of my kids.”

He staggered into the galley and then was taken to the hospital, where he required a bunch of stitches, the story reports. “They got teeth three or four inches long – a good little puncture tear action there.”

The story notes someone was pulled into the water by a sea lion in Kodiak in 2004, and people have been complaining about aggressive sea lions in Petersburg for a while.

Stay tuned!


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