Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ho Hum

Hello Fishies!

After the seafaring soap opera that was the king crab portion of Deadliest Catch I didn’t hold out much hope that things would change. So far they haven’t. Once again we had conversations that were fabricated (some of these guys don’t speak to each other in real life). The at sea rescues and recoveries were revisited, even going back several years.

The opilio crab season was a long one for some boats due to the disabling fire aboard the processor Stellar Sea. In my earlier blogs I have told you about processor shares and the requirement that deliveries be made to those processors. Some of you may know that this caused many boats to tie up and some of the men went home. I will be curious to see how they cobble the soap opera together on Deadliest Catch as the season was strung out through April.

Despite what was said in last night’s show, bairdi crab has been targeted by some of the boats for the last couple of years. Some of the captains had planned to fish them in conjunction with opilio or separately and knew precisely where to catch them.

The situation with the destructive sea lions as shown on the Northwestern is a very real problem. It’s a topic I plan to discuss in the near future as fishermen have a very different outlook on them than does most of the public.

Stay tuned!



wishiniwasfishin said...

I don't know what to say, it seems that whoever is in charge of what is being shown to the viewers has either lost or never had the ability to tell (sell) they same story over and over again and make it just as exciting as the very first time they told (sold) it. I have to admit that few people can or do. If all they are looking for is drama then what happened to the true life drama of Larry Hendricks crying over the loss of his friend who fell from the stack while fishing aboard the Shaman or the shrill of Bing Hinkel shouting to his deck boss BRING ME A CUP OF COFFEE. For goodnes sakes, Even Edgar Hanson can't bite the head off of a dead fish like he used to. I mean, like really, what's up with that? I just can't figure out why they did not end the first series with the rescue of Josh, that would have been the true life drama of crab fishing at it's best. Oh, that's right I forgot, they had a Captains bet to settle. My bet would be that most commercial fishermen, whatever it be for, probably just about cringe anymore when they hear the words deadliest catch. It seems that DC has courted the story of another ear.

PHause said...

I don’t like how this series is going, they axed two very popular boats, the Rollo and the Maverick, which I heard isn't going to get any footage for the second half of the series, refused to air the footage of the Aleutian Ballad, which I read even pissed off the film crew as well. It seems to me they are pushing off the other popular boats, or boats that could become popular, beside the Northwestern, just because Sig is as adviser to the series. Which is leading me to believe that they are going to make an entire series just about the Northwestern, which make his fan base happy, but would lead us, fans of the other boats just out the creek without a paddle.

I am worry about the Time Bandit and the Cornelia Marie(which I am fan of) in the up coming episodes, both of these boats are popular and might be on the chopping block.

It also seems to me that Discovery has the mentality with the Northwestern is the fact “That they can do no wrong”, and Sig “Is their Golden Boy” he can grid his crew and make robot comments about them and people enjoy it, but when other boat dose it, it seems wrong.

Also I would like to know who you can't stand and who can stand who are on the show. Also I think you should write a blog about the fans of the Northwestern, because I think they can't see what is going on here.

The Fish Wife said...

I am hearing these things a lot and the bias is not going unnoticed. Yes, most fishermen are very uncomfortable with this show.
I don’t think that the fans of the CM or the TB have a thing to worry about. DC seems to have tunnel vision when it comes to who will be promoted and who will not. It really is a shame how they have treated some boats and ignored others. These are good boats and crews and deserve better.
There are rumblings about some issues that I am trying to run down and will talk about them as soon as I can verify the information.

Bones said...

Thanks, Fishwife, for keeping it real.

I was disappointed with the first opie show. Too much of everything BUT crab fishing. I was surprised they even mentioned the processing boat that caught fire. I'm sure we'll still see those boats "finish up" at the same time as all the others.

I have no idea what happened with the Aleutian Ballad, but was really looking forward to seeing a female deckhand and how she handled herself. It just leaves me wondering what they did to piss off Discovery or Original Productions.

And I've always wondered who Sig & Edgar were in bed with at Discovery. Poor Norman!