Saturday, May 12, 2007

A good showing of poor character

Hello Fishies!

Awhile back I wrote about the deplorable behavior on some of the forums and message boards and at that time I thought that would be the end of the subject. However, the trolls have been trying to bring their game here to this little blog. As my long time readers know, I allow dissenting opinions but I don’t allow anonymous postings and moderate all replies. One of the reasons for that is simple: I do not want my blog used by the drive by idiots and twisted freaks to further what ever sick little agendas they have.

One of my favorite readers called the forums a “good showing of poor character” and I can not agree more. I go over to the various sites looking for serious questions regarding the commercial fishing industry and come away feeling filthy and in need of a shower. There are decent people who attempt to keep the trolls in line (and some of those posts are hilarious) but they can’t and shouldn’t have to do the job of the moderators. I can’t help but wonder if there are lawsuits looming on the horizon for some of those posters that write things made up out of whole cloth.

My blog is about the various aspects of commercial fishing in Alaska and on the west coast. I know many of the participants on the TV show and have been aboard some of their boats, dealt with their fish, had meals with them, etc. Anything I write about regarding Deadliest Catch is from that perspective. There are some on the show that I like a lot and some that make my skin crawl when I am forced to be in the same room as them.

Well thought out opinions and reasonable questions based on the facts of the show and commercial fishing are very welcome. Any and all postings to this blog that are in the form of character assassination will be rejected and no one will see them. So you trolls might as well save your time and efforts for each other and like minded fruitcakes as it’s not going to play here.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming….

Stay tuned!



TinkerTeri said...

I actually joined another forum for DC before I read some of the postings on there. I was quite horrified after reading some of the posts. I will say that the best thing that came out of it though was the link to this site. I always look forward to a post by you Fish Wife. You are very thoughtful and insightful in all your blogs and I count it a good day if you have posted something new for me to read. Don't let the trolls get ya down. Keep on doing what you are doing, cause I love reading all the new insights you give us. :)

The Fish Wife said...

Awww Teri you made my day!

Unknown said...

Hi Fish Wife,

I've posted once before on your blog about this subject, so I'm glad you've decided to touch on it again. You know, it's wonderful that we have the First Amendment to protect our freedom of speech in this country; however, I think some people take it way too far and forget about things like decency and respect for others when posting on message boards like the one at the Discovery Channel's web site. Whenever I glance at that board (which is very infrequent now, I must say -- I can't help but cringe when I read some of that garbage), I'm reminded of something my mom would say to me when I was growing up: if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, maybe it would be better if you didn't say anything at all. I wish some of the people posting on the Discovery Channel board would take that into consideration the next time they feel motivated to post filthy comments about someone they may have never met!

Again keep up the good work with your blog -- I enjoy reading your posts about the commercial fishing industry.