Saturday, February 24, 2007

Well My Goodness!

Hello Fishies!

I knew I would get under the skin of a few of the more reactionary and hysterical of you. Thank you so very much for your well researched and thought out replies, or maybe not. There are several of you that are just a wee bit on the nasty side, but that’s been obvious from the jump on your forum postings. You are all too eager to create drama and make disparaging remarks on all other vessels except one. To wit:

“And I thought a certain Captain thought Sig's loading crab on the deck(season 1) was an unsafe move? Very interesting.”

That’s just the most recent example. (I often wonder if we are watching the same television show.) More than a few of you should go back, waaaay back, and look at some of the asinine things you have posted. Glass houses, stones and all that.

So let me get this straight. I am fine when I give information that you want to hear, such as the listing of boats that would be on the third season. But if I give you facts you do not want to hear then I am full of BS? My goodness! Such a mature reaction! I have inside information on these guys and their personal lives that would make you scream and tear your hair out were I to post it.

First let’s examine my statements regarding season one and the crab count. Some of you are confusing king crab with opilio crab. It was the deck load of opilio crab that died – NOT the king crab. These are two dramatically different seasons.

Second, if you will watch the final episode you will see that when Sig Hansen comes into the wheelhouse he tells the crew that their finally tally is actually higher than they had thought. The reason for this is that the dead crab must also be weighed. The live crab that you saw was unloaded out of the tanks.

It has not escaped my notice that a few of the more prolific posters are now going to great lengths to avoid referring new people with questions to this blog. It must take you some goodly amount of time to go over the ground I have already covered, using the links that I have provided. At least some of us know that the original is mine.

Stay tuned!



pat said...

Fishwife....Again you should go back and review ALL of season one as there was NO king crab deckload on any fishing vessel and so yes, we're ALL referring to the opilio season. Should you be pointing a finger at what you perceive to be "glass houses" when you're well hidden behind a cloak of anonymity? You could be the "town drunk" for all anyone knows so admit you love the attention "it" brings you. I've appreciated the educational unbiased information you've been kind enough to provide, however you can take everthing and stick it you know where. You've been wrong before and you're wrong again here.

The Fish Wife said...

Do you feel better now?

wishiniwasfishin said...

Good for you Fish Wife. The truth always hurts and you have proved it greatly. Thanks for keeping me up to date. It seems the groupies are having a hard time with it. Keep up the great posts. Funny how most people think you are a woman, I really get a big kick out of that. And they talk about knowing whats going on huh? Hmmmmm! Maybe a cold bucket of water in the face will wake them up, or better yet, why not just look up what the term of a fish wife really is.

The Fish Wife said...

Thanks Wishin!

Bren said...

Well, I have seen the pics on the NW site from season 1 and since when does a pile of crab about 6 feet high, and formerly under a tarp, constitute live crabs? They sure look dead to all of us sighted people! On the show they were alive as they were just being brought on deck! I am referring to the 2005 pics in the NW photo galley and more specifically DSC 00338, which was NOT shown on the show! Correct me if I am in error here, but isn’t that the part they call “dead loss” and they are NOT paid the going rate and aren’t they NOT supposed to count towards the final tally? I guess some creative writing was done by someone’s attorneys to not include the words dead or alive but just crabs for the end count, eh?

It is such a shame that this show has been ruined, to a point, by the obvious favoritism towards one boat. Anyone want to render a guess as to which boat will win season three’s bet? As to the crab count from season two, it was the CM that had the most, but someone changed the rules and it was not crab count, dead or alive, but he most money earned. Has this always been the NW's habit to do two seasons in one or was this a new, and probably suggested, idea to make them #1 again? It is a great and time saving idea so why didn't all the boats do this too as all like to earn top dollar?

Egos are fine as long as they are in check and they are a necessary and healthy part of any human's life but when they go unchecked and out of control for too long.....

I still love this show and will continue to be a big fan of it, as well as certain captains, but I am not stupid! Like many of us, we do not say "how high" when told to "jump!" Unfortunately, there are those who don't seem to be able to think for themselves as they are blinded by their adoration of the men on this show. I, and many, do not suffer from this malady!

As always Fish Wife, you tell the truth and I have always subscribed to this as well. The truth is your best weapon and best defense!

Love, peace and truth to you!!

The Fish Wife said...

Thanks Bren!