Thursday, February 08, 2007

Pets on Boats

Greetings Fishies!

Donna’s posts about her pup being aboard the Maverick made me smile and take a trip down memory lane. I have known many, many boat pets over my years as a fishwife. They came in all shapes, sizes and species. Aside from the usual birds, dogs and cats, I have heard of pot bellied pigs, ferrets and even a praying mantis!

I knew a crewman of such size that he would make Hulk Hogan quake. His boat pet was a budgie! Seems some cruel jerk had pulled its tail and flight feathers out so as to render it flightless. While the poor little thing looked a fright, it was beautiful in the eyes of its owner. It was a curious thing to be talking to this giant of a man and have a little birdie head peak out from behind his ear or a shirt pocket!

Parrots have always been acquainted with sailors, albeit primarily pirates. I knew a gal who crewed aboard many different salmon trollers with a parrot. When the boat was in port you would see her on the docks with parrot firmly attached to her right shoulder. Considering the company that bird kept, I need not go into any detail about the things it would say…..

If you hang around the docks long enough you will get a pretty good idea of which breeds do the best. The retriever breeds – Goldens and Labradors seem to be the most numerous in the larger breed category and as far as the small breeds – anything goes! I know a certain crabber that was owned by a toy poodle for many years. That was always a hilarious sight to see – this crusty captain and his sidekick.

Most of the time boat dogs keep themselves occupied and are not a nuisance. Until they clamber up onto the dock and shake nasty boat basin water all over some poor unsuspecting tourists. Then they stand there drooling over the “treasure” they happened to have brought back, expecting – no – demanding – that it be thrown back into the water. Many brave souls have picked up said treasure, daintily between thumb and forefinger, all the while suppressing a gag. And when they feebly attempt to rid themselves of the treasure and the dog, find their actions not speedy enough for said dog, causing the dog to jump up and voila! Into the drink they go!

I have known many retrieving obsessed dogs on the docks. There are some that are so possessed, it was game time for many fishermen. No matter what you threw in, the dog would bring it back. Rocks, weights – no matter – back it would come. Down to the bottom the dog would go and bring back the correct object every time! On more than one occasion the dog earned its supper by finding a valuable tool that had been knocked overboard in the basin.

And let's not forget about cats! They have a nautical presence going back to the ancient Phoenicians and for centuries cats have played a critical role in controlling mice and rats on board ships. Even the famous explorer Capt. James Cook made careful log entries on his supply of cats while on history-making voyages.

Animals can get seasick, but usually get over it quickly. Seems the best preparation for boat rides are car rides so they get accustomed to motion. Clean up usually consists of a quick spray down with a deck hose, washing the pet waste off through the scuppers.

If you talk to the owners of these boat pets they are quick to point out the advantages in taking a pal to sea. They always agree, never talk back, although they have been known to fall asleep during a wheel watch.

Stay tuned!


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