Thursday, April 12, 2007

Survivor: American Idol on the Bering Sea?

Greetings Fishies!

Today I share my thoughts on some of the various internet sites with forums and the complete lack of decent behavior exhibited by some members there. Looking carefully at the numbers, it is clear that while there really are only a handful of posters engaging in the nastiness, they are sucking some of the life out of the place.

I read the various postings and many things go through my mind. First and foremost, did your mama raise you to behave like that? If you were all in a room together with the people that you are drooling over or attempting to destroy, and everyone knew your face and name, would you have the nerve to say the things you do? How about if we got to watch a few minutes of heavily edited tv and give our opinions about you? Maybe share a bunch of personal information about you and your family?

The “Just Plain Ugly” award goes to the people who are sitting in judgment of and posting the private information about Hiram. While he may have his personal demons, that really is none of your business. It has no bearing on the show and I am sure he didn’t sign on for that.

"Nootka" claims to be married to a crabber and living somewhere near Hiram. I can imagine a conversation in that household:

Nootka “I just got so sick and tired of all that stuff on tv and so I put up on the internet all about how he got arrested. People need to know this stuff!”

Crabber: “You did WHAT??? What the F*** is the matter with you? What name did you use? Can anybody figure out its you? I gotta work around these guys! We go down out there and it may be them that saves my ass.”

And then there is the fringe lunatic whose screen name starts with tnt. This gal is a real winner and just thinking about her makes my gag reflex kick in. Her postings are BOLD AND IN COLOR! NOTICE ME! ITS ALL ABOUT ME AND MY OPINIONS! I WILL COPY EVERYTHING SO MY POST IS BIG BIG BIG! IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME I WILL SCREAM AND YELL AT YOU EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT.

Tnt, honey, they make medication for someone like you. I can almost see the wildly spinning eyes and spittle flying from her mouth when she makes her posts. One thing she did get almost right was the one about opinions. We have all heard this one: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and some are bigger and uglier than others. (To my detractors: yeah, I know mine included.)

When the show first started, almost everyone who made forum postings was at least respectful. They asked questions, captains and crew along with their families would drop in from time to time and answer questions. All the “I love ____,” “or _____ is sooooo hot” got pretty close to X-rated, but eventually that slowed down. Today, I see almost no one from any season, past or present, going anywhere near some of these places. Reading the hate-filled vitriol from people who have never met a fisherman, let alone the people from the Deadliest Catch, I can understand why they don’t. The Hansen’s have started a website with forums, which was a smart move. (Although there are some pretty juvenile things going on over there that need to be moderated. Here is a clue – if some one has had their account suspended on the DC forums, there is a reason. They are behaving the same on your site.) I see where other boats are following suit and I can’t say I blame them at all. Who wants to deal with the cess pool that some of the forums have devolved into?

Frankly I have been stumped by it all, couldn’t quite figure it out. Then I heard a couple of different news analysts talking about the behavior of people in general. They were referring to the politics of personal destruction and talked about the influence of the internet, that you can post up almost anything and there are no consequences for it. Then they cited shows such as American Idol, how both the judges and the viewers feel free to spew forth nothing but degrading comments and shattering criticisms.

So with the ability to vote continually for or against the boats, almost Survivor style, and make internet postings with no thought as to who they may harm, I am going to try to understand.

No, on second thought, I won’t.

My momma raised me better than that.

Stay tuned.



Bren said...

It may only be very early AM here but I am doing a happy dance anyway!!! Fish Wife, per usual, you have told the absolute truth about the other so called "fan sites." The out of control posting of lies, viciousness and ugliness that has allowed to run rampant for over a year is both laughable and pathetic. Pathetic like most of it's members and for what is it exactly they are doing this???

I was the target of choice for months and why??? Gee, it seems like a "big dog" liked what I wrote and decided to call me and that call, and the few weeks of calls to follow, turned my life into pure hell the likes I've never seen. Those very jealous of this accused me of everything but global warming, and I bet if you go back in the logs, it was hinted at that I indeed was the cause of this too. I was finally vindicated here in the last 6 or so weeks by those really in the know but too little too late. Trust me, he was not worth it at all.

I also sent several messages to the moderator of the official site about Hiranm as those posts spouting off the actual article from the police logs, which gave out his home address, should have never seen the light of day.

I was a huge fan of this show but now.....Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z NOT!!!

Once again, Fish Wife, my invisible hat is off to you for always telling it like it really is!!!!


The Fish Wife said...

I sympathize with you and the treatment that the trolls gave you. I have watched it happen to others and even spoken with some of their victims. Some are twisted individuals and others are just so jealous their eyes are neon green.

I believe that it is actually only a handful of people posting under different screen names. And some of their victims and former pals have told me who they are. This could be fun!

When the posts devolve into name calling, making fun of some one's spelling, grammar or syntax, you know that their argument is lost.

One of the loudest posters tried to claim that by Googling Hiram's name you could get his information. That would be true if you first were to wade through the million or so hits on the Hiram Johnson that was governor of California!

Unknown said...

Thank you, fish wife, for your rational comments on this subject. I am a fan of the Deadliest Catch and used to enjoy going to the Discovery channel's forums to read the comments about the show, but this season it's no longer the case. The comments out there have gotten way out of control, to the point of viciousness -- don't these people realize that, on occasion, the family and friends of the people of the show actually read the postings about their loved ones?!?! (That's a rhetorical question, of course.) Anyway, I do appreciate your honestly on the topic and enjoy reading the educational information you've provided about the commerical fishing industry. Keep up the good work!

The Fish Wife said...

Thanks to you both! I have noticed that the amount of traffic on the DC site has slow markedly and I would attribute that to the trolls.
I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be a a member of the show or their family and read that garbage!

Bren said...

The really funny thing is that I was the first friend of the original owner of the one site now owned by a "big dog" and for a year this former owner let the person we all knew, as well as had CONCRETE proof of, to be very unstable run rampant on the site. Many a friendship was lost as most seemed to prefer to stay there in spite of everything just to be "noticed" by a man or men they would never meet. How pathetic is that?

It was us, who have now lost all interest in any sites or the show, who were the first on that site to use the name trolls in reference to those who were causing the trouble and the ones left are all so clever and creative they now call us the trolls. I can't tell you, but I bet you've read it too, how many times we threw up bait on myspace they swallowed hook, line and sinker. They did the dragging of all kinds of nastiness to their precious site and harmed it more than anyone could as the "friends" of the big dogs. Like you stated in a much earlier blog, they are no friends at all of thse men. They all thought they were so on top of all of this and were reveling in putting us down, when in reality just made bigger fools of themselves as we howled with laughter!!! It even got so out of control by the unstablest of them all they put in print were there were any good places to hide a body in my town!!!! Yes, this person does try to come back and has used many different names and tried to blame nasty posts on moi!!! This too was allowed to stay up. Bring it troll!!! They have the collective IQ of bait. No insult to good bait intended here! LOL

The one thing they didn't count on was some of our very alpha personalities and we stood strong as a united front and stood our ground on everything as we always had truth on our side. Many of us have nothing to do with any of the sites and do not watch the show but our friendships are strong and based on truth, honesty, love. loyalty and kindness.

The DSC board is no betternow then they were and even though I did go back on there a while back, along with another so very wronged mod by a site, no more. We showed the men, who would not actually tell us they were wrong and very sorry to our cyber faces, all wss forgiven by trying to start some threads which were aimed to amuse until season three. This too is over.

Thanks for letting me inform some of you a little more about the so-called fan sites and beware of them please.

nutting but love for you FW!!!!


Unknown said...

Fishwife you really fit your name. Just because you don't like things people post on the forum, doesn't make it wrong.
To quote you "One of the loudest posters tried to claim that by Googling Hiram's name you could get his information. That would be true if you first were to wade through the million or so hits on the Hiram Johnson that was governor of California!" The postings about Hiram were taken from a reputable websites and in most of the articles citing history of his arrest it stated "Hiram Johnson from the TV reality show the Deadliest Catch was arrested for...."

Also public records are just that public records, none of us may like it but how many news papers across the nation list each day or week depending on the newspapers circulation, "Joe Blow, age 41, of some city, arrested for excess speed, suspicion of DUI, drug paraphernalia, etc.?"
According to the government which is even sadder dead people don't have ANY rights and it is okay to publish their name, next of kin, last known address, date of birth and social security number. Then you have the internet website "the smoking gun" which has a wealth of information including copies of official court documents on it about anyone who is even remotely famous, including but not limited to their criminal records, marriage and divorce records, birth and death information. So I fail to understand your ranting and raving like a fishwife about a "fringe lunatic" and "Nootka who claims to be married to a crabber" and giving them the "Just Plain Ugly" award for posting the truth about a character on the show that you make it quite obvious you like and they don't. So why can't we give the Fishwife, "the just plain two-faced award"?

To quote you again, "I read the various postings and many things go through my mind. First and foremost, did your mama raise you to behave like that? If you were all in a room together with the people that you are drooling over or attempting to destroy, and everyone knew your face and name, would you have the nerve to say the things you do? How about if we got to watch a few minutes of heavily edited tv and give our opinions about you? Maybe share a bunch of personal information about you and your family?"

First and foremost isn't that what your blog is doing, giving YOUR opinions about the rest of us? And yes, if we were in a room together I would tell you to your face how I feel. Why don't you follow your own guidelines and not post your BS about those you do not agree with. You are a classic example of do as I say, not as I do, did your mama teach you that?

You've obviously heard of the First Amendment because you yourself are taking advantage of you freedom of speech, is that any different then the posters on the Discovery Channel Forum and your own blog site where you your self give a very biased, bigoted account of your thoughts and feelings and God help anyone who posts their feelings. Not every thing on the Deadliest Catch is staged for the camera's except maybe the Rollo crew doing their ridiculous costumed dance for the Coast Guard. Some people posting on the forum have actually taken the time to go beyond what they've seen on the show and done further research on crab fishing in the Bering Sea.

As my parents always told us kids, treat others the way you want to be treated. Rather than retaliate against those who offend you because they took the initiative and did a little research you obviously had the inability to do by your ranting, lunatic ravings on yet another blog site further spreading what you coined as "Just plain Ugly" why not just ignore the posts you don't like, like 85% of the rest of the members of the forum do?

The Fish Wife said...

Looks like I hit a nerve and the freak has slipped it's leash.
The above response only serves to continue to make my point.

Bones said...

Discovery doesn't give 2 hoots what is written on their board, that has been made very clear. They can't even be bothered to answer complaints anymore. Some really good posts are "closed" while the most disgusting posts are left open for the same people to write the same crap over and over and over. It's gotten out-of-hand, though. You would hope Discovery AND Original Productions would have more integrity, but I guess money trumps integrity once again. Aint it a wonderful world?

Who the heck do these people think they are? Fans? Nope. Not according to this definition I've found...
"The difference between a fan and a fanatic is that while both have an overwhelming liking or interest in a given subject, behavior of a fanatic will be viewed as violating prevailing social norms, while that of a fan will not violate those norms (although is usually considered unusual).

"Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim"; according to Winston Churchill, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject".

sound familiar?

The Fish Wife said...

Bones that was perfect!

Adux said...

You know what I find a strangely satisfying truth about people who mock others for getting arrested? It can happen to you too! I've been through the mill of the legal system myself, and in this great country, you are innocent until proven guilty. And "probable cause" is something very, very relative to some law enforcement officers, so guess what? Being arrested can happen to just about anyone. And I somehow doubt that the holier-than-thou twits who splattered so much junk about Hiram have never say, gotten into a car with a BAC over the legal limit, run a stop sign, driven their car over the legal speed limit or did something else that was not so smart. The fact that I have an arrest AND conviction on my name doesn't make me a bad person; at least I don't talk trash about other people on the internet.