Saturday, March 03, 2007

Housekeeping Items

Hello Fishies!

Some “housekeeping” items needed attention.

Fishies – As in a school of fish. My aim is to help educate those of you who are not familiar with the intricacies of the commercial fishing industry. Additionally, the editors of the show have taken such insane license with the truth; some of you like to know what really is going on.

Stay tuned – Have a look at the Discovery Channel’s main page for the Deadliest Catch. The phrase is used repeatedly.

Contacting me – As some of you know, you may use the comments section of the blog to send me information. The private messages are “rejected” as that is the way that the Blogger site has it set up. Please don’t take that personally.

Anonymous – Some of the comments that I have allowed can give you a pretty good idea of just how hysterical some of the posters are. The threatening ones have been sent to the proper authorities, hence the need to register.

Now, about my identity. I have covered that in an earlier blog posting. My name would mean nothing to you, so stop with the rank speculation and finger pointing. Quit picking on people who have nothing to do with this and be aware that some of my contacts would refuse to speak to me if my identity were known. My business takes me from the Aleutian Chain to northern California. I have ongoing contact with fish buyers and processors, skippers and deck crews, vessel systems repairmen and machinery maintenance, the crews of fishing boats and canneries, boat unloaders, members of the media, lobbyists and barkeeps. Some just want more information to be out about the rest of the fishing world, others are tired of the bs. They are all a fount of information and I need to protect them.

Speaking of protection, I refuse to divulge any of the inside information that I have on the members of the television show. What I have posted about the show participants is based on their actions as it relates to the show and fishing. If you go back and read my earlier blog posts with a clear and unbiased eye you will see that.

The personal attacks and muckraking that goes on via forums and boards is reprehensible. Would you like some one else’s version of your life blatted out? Shame on those who attempt to demean the men and women of the show by airing possible dirty laundry, some are obviously jealous, others are unstable. But even more shame should be laid on the shoulders of those who own or moderate those boards for allowing it to happen.

Now back to our regular scheduled programming….

Stay tuned!



Jane said...

Blanket accusations. Care to be specific?

The Fish Wife said...

The worst offenders are on the Discovery Channel's Forums, but there have been some foolish statements on the boards you are involved in as well. Jane,I am glad to see that you are learning from this and have removed the bulk of the nonsense from yours.

Unknown said...

I haven't learned anything from your BS. Im just not going to waste my time anymore. You are not the only one with sources and mine tell me yours are full of it.
About removing nonsense.....why dont you try it.

The Fish Wife said...

Grow up and get some help. Either way, its time to move on.
I thought you weren't reading me anymore?